bereaved dog in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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bereaved dog

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slinkycat | 00:31 Fri 11th Jan 2008 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
Did anyone read a story in the Times today about the dog who dug up the cat? basically an 18 month old dog had grown up with a cat, they were constant companions, the cat died and the dog watched as the owner buried it. The following morning the owners found the dog curled up beside the late cat in his basket. He had squeezed out the catflap in the night, dug it up and bought it in, the owners said that he must have spent most of the night licking him clean, as the cats white fur was "gleaming" awww! They have bought a new kitten now, and buried the old cat in a more secure grave, just thought it was a lovely story, though if it had been april 1st not sure if i'd have believed it! Btw what is a Lancashire Heeler like? (that was the dog's breed) ps would've done a link to the story but i'm computer illiterate!
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looks like a feisty little dog, would love to see one in action herding cattle!
Hopefully here's the link for that Slinky! I couldnt believe it when i read that story..Awww!http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/artic le3162659.ece
Looks a bit dachshund-y lol
ist this the equivelent to necrophilia?! GROS!
This is a really moving story actually.

I just hope the dog doesn't hold a grudge against the owners who buried the cat.

Bless his little canine heart.
I thought this was a lovely story - it brought a lump to my throat. I was so sad for the poor little dog!
It brought a lump to my throat too. That poor dog missing his friend so much. It breaks your heart doesn't it?
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lets just hope that the new kitten brings a smile to his little doggy face!
Is it possible that the cat was not actually dead when it was buried? Maybe the cat came back itself, cleaned itself and then died in the basket?

There are recorded cases of animals (and humans) that have been buried - presumed dead, and then came round and clawed their way out of their 'graves'.

Was the dog small enough to have squeezed out of a catflap?

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