I want to buy a friend a gift to thank him for lending me �5000 which I will shortly have repaid. He does not want anything in return but I want to spend �500 to get him something. Could anyone recommend something that will appreciate in value but which would also be a pleasurable gift to receive. I have thought about some work of art perhaps, although I don't know what to buy! Thanks in anticipation of your suggestions.
I think that's a nice idea from sleepy1, but you'd need to check to see if he could have holiday from work etc so it wouldn't be a surprise. How about taking him away for the weekend - the two of you - to say thanks...?
Hi Barquentine how about some premium bonds? An investment that might well be appreciated. Or a donation to a favorite charity ? What a lovely thing to do for your friend. !
Perhaps a work of art in the form of a sculpture, rather than painting. As art is quite a personal thing, a sculpture can be hidden away if he didn't want it on display, but a large picture is not so easy.
Or if you can, take him to a gallery and watch him to see if anything catches his eye. I think art would be the best option. It wouldn't necesarily appreciate in value but it would be a nice personal thing which he will always remember you by.
I think you need to ask him what he would like. The trouble with Art is that you cannot be sure that it is something that he would actually want and there is the issue of insurance if it ever does become valuable. Booking a holiday can be just as bad. You might embarranass him with such a large gift too. How about settling on �100 pounds worth of shares in an ethical company(if there is one)?