B00 smudge slooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwjooooooo Redbel whiffey wardy bobtheturkey and katie henrys Buenchico spudqueen shaneystar kempie zen Inapickle 10 clarion st the corbyloon whiffey jno raysparx Octavius Netibiza Robinia Vinny whiffey stevie1time lindapinda Mary T tiggerblue mrs raven hellibobs unrulyjulie slinkycat
but that doesn't mean I don;t like other people it means I am forgetful but the list is really very long, and longer than it used to be, is this a good thing? Who have I missed off that should be there?
oh ****, just signed in, got to read back on this, before i start can i just say if i missed anyone out then it only reiterates my idea that there are more nice people on here than not nice people!!!!!!!!!!!
(not being able to do italics i can't look as cool as B00 but use your imagination)
oh for gawds sake, how did i orget neo?????????? hey Z that was a genuine opversight mate!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I should quit whilst i still have a chance, Quoi it's not looking good is it????? bensmum i hang my head in shame, everyone is ust terrific lol