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4GS | 12:55 Fri 18th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers



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tut tut little sis.

more than 1157, thats just disgraceful!
But aren't we all suposed to get our Five-a-day, redcrx?

Have I missed something?
5 a day in her condition? lol
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No offense meant John, but you are becoming like AB 24 hours resident. I'm beginning to lose the respect I had for you. Your behaviour are slowly becoming pervertish .
Lambert is a gentleman. And what do I get?
??? ^^^^^^

legends right, burger king are so much nicer than maccy Ds
so why would you have thought you'd had more? Anyway I was young :-)
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Lovers?? reds got to that stage wheres she's settled and so have I. And I;m not that young :-)
^^^^ 'Grow up'

Rich !
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yer I know and we both have lovers I guess we are settled with. But I get more and more cards each year
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is that really what happens leg? or is it just how you see it? lol

Maybe thats how you see it because old people seem quite lonely nowadays when I;m old technology would be so different, no one loses contact because of e-mail, and mobiles. I make more friends each year so seem to get more cards.
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