I have solve about half of the clues, but cannot work out the instructions given by the "sloped off" letters. I have in?lu??put?tsa?ion???or?diagonal. Are these letters correct so far? Any help appreciated.
Thanks both, am I right in thinking these are the letters A, X etc, that have diagonal strokes and that they need to be ignored in order to reveal the answer.
Thanks Tichfield, therefore Q = O, R = P? I still can't seem to get it to work, for example 33A I have ?e??p?nex??, when I eliminate the X and put the letters on a word-finder tool , it comes with no appropriate solutions. Sorry to be such a pain but this is driving me nuts.
thanks to this thread I have been able to complete, but should you remove 'diagonal bits' from the whole grid or just the clashing cells ?
judypark if you need any answers just ask, mad max