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clash of the titans

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bobtheturkey | 17:02 Sat 19th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
humpty v big ted, who would win


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I think big ted has a fighting chance, after all, he has Hamble on his side and we all know how evil she is!!
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I think Ted too Lore, and Jemima is also backing him up !
humpty hasnt got the agility of bigted, I dont think his hands even meet in the middle, An easy victory for big ted
lol cazzz, I do believe youre right /5.htm
Something tells me this was a plot to check how old we all are.

I knew my post should have read.... Who is big Ted?

I fell at the first hurdle lore with my username!! DOH!
...and i sound like one of the toys lol
Aaah You're still younger than I cazzz - I don't think this site recognises petroglyphs!
Humpty breaks easily and can never be put back together so obviously big ted as he aso has a little ted side kick.

Finally, a sensible question.
I always had my suspicions about Hamble and Humpty Dumpty!!!
wasnt hambel ugly!
You can say that again Dove. Jemima was so much more attractive. Hamble was such a minger!
she sure was dove
I bet hambel hated jemimah lol
didnt hamble have a dodgy perm?
wealll curly one
Hello Bob. Hope you are well. Big Ted would thrash Humpty!!!x

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