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asbail | 00:04 Tue 02nd Nov 2004 | Parenting
2 Answers
My almost 5 year old has taken to punching and hitting, but only at home.  Why is he so physical?


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Children often react with frustration if they feel they are not communicating, or not being paid attention. You need to nip this in the bud before it gets worse. If your child hits you, hold both his hands, bend down to his level, and tell him 'No' in a firm voice without shouting. When he is calm, explain that hitting hurts Mummy and Daddy and makes them sad. Re-enforce the message as often as needed, and hopefully he will begin to calm down. balance this with lavish praise if he is calm when he would usually be violent - he'll soon appreciate that being nice is better in the long run.
Has he just started school? It sounds to me that he is working out some frustrations in his life.Commonly these are met in school -where the routines are all new and can cause some anxiety -but of course a big boy a almost 5 cant cry all the time can he? Let him have plenty of time on his own when he comes home -dont ask him too many questions about school or his day .He will talk to you when he has worked it out in his head.

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