if it was a steak pie, tell Mum to cut the pastry top off the container that the meat is in and do them separate in the oven.
That way it will be hot all the way through.
Cruella, thanks she does that when she makes her own yukky steak pie (tinned stew and wee pink sausages in it lol) but this was a shop bought mince round thingy, oh I just shivered there lol
I've enjoyed reading through this thread. It's so friendly and humourous the way I remember AB when I joined many moons ago. Noticably missing(!?) -the male voice choir as far as I can see, but then again, I find keeping track of multiple user names is tedious and a waste of time.
Hi Tara, its great here isnt it when left to our own girlie stuff, we all get on well and enjoy each other's company, thats how it should be.
Good idea re a section like that, well said
Good idea bit would bore me in the end -no offence meant.
I like the full spectrum of man/womankind -I like nice threads to a degree -all the homely stuff at a push-but I also like a bit of a challenging thread as well-whether its bickering or not -I need that personally.
yeah Dris, but it wouldnt be all like that, you can nip in/out of any post you like and get a mixture, just would be a place to catch up in peace (possibly)
Thats spooky,i was thinking the same thing about a female only topic but im sure "they" would just create more usernames and put female instead of male.Mind you,what with Knobby not having any nuts,he`s half way there anyway.