Drink loads of water. Cranberry juice is meant to help too. Stay near a bathroom! If that doesn't help go to the chemists' and buy a pack of sachets of fizzy stuff, Cystemme, Cystoleve etc. Paracetomol will also help if you're in pain. If there's no improvement in 24 hours get to a doctor as you might need antibiotics.
Get antibiotics! I had it 2years ago+i drank water+cranberry juice for a week+it didnt go. One night i was awake all night watching trisha because i couldnt sleep due to the pain being so bad+i almosted collapsed the next day when i went to the doctors because they pain had moved to my kidneys! The antibiotics cleared it up straight away!
Nothing works better than medication i found cystemme is one of the better ones but instant relief for me is sitting in a warm bath sometimes for up to an hour but take the medication and take it all.
I've heard that having a half day from work can help, why dont you try that? Maybe you can put a question on Answer Bank about what to do with your half day?