no word is a lie my left cheek was swollen and in severe pain its still flaring up as we speak but took ibrufen to take the swelling down it worked now seem to take it all the time why i didnt believe it at first as to wat was going on but at the age of 50 iv grown another tooth right at the bk of me gum it is higher than my other bk teeth do i need to get it taken out
monty it does sound like a wissom tooth, and I have had all of mine out at seperate times, some dentists can refer you to the hospital if you are too scared to have it out at the dentist.
I have a tooth which started to grow in the roof of mouth when another fell out -it will calm down (the swelling and pain -dentists are reluctant to take teeth out there unless its an emergency).
I had 13taken out my the roof of my mouth when I was 15 -obv -they were distirted and would never have grown fully -but I had to go to hospital for that.
I have a small mouth but make up for it in other ways -lol