Gas fire poisoning in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Gas fire poisoning

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Harley | 11:21 Thu 05th Sep 2002 | How it Works
2 Answers
Why do people die from carbon monoxide poisoning from faulty gas fires but not in the kitchen with all the cooker rings and the oven on ?
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Carbon monoxide is produced by the incomplete combustion of materials (in this case gas). Idealy no appliance should produce carbon monoxide only carbondioxide (and water) but if the air flow is resticted then carbonmonoxide is produced. This can happen with both gas fires and gas cookers (or indeed anywhere where something is being burnt, so no barbaques indoors!). The air flow about a gas fire is more easily restriced and therefore problems with them are more apparent. Carbon dioxide is also poisonous but much larger amounts are required and in any normal situation this should not pose a problem. Hope this helps, Hamish
to add to Hamish's answer - also you're likely to be sat down in front of a fire but stood up and moving about in front of a cooker therefore more likely to fall asleep in front of a fire. also CO2 is not poisonous but is an asphyxiant in sufficient quantities.

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