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What do the ***'s mean in ratings

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evedawn | 00:04 Wed 23rd Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
okay - gather that means someone has rated an answer...but who rates it? The poster of the question? and how?


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The questioner rates the answers s/he receives.

Look under this answer and you will have the options of rating it and reporting it.

Question Author
oh how SIMPLE!!!!! how unobservant am i ay!!! thanks

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Question Author
needless to say bigmac...u just got my first rating....:_)
Question Author
thanks knobby - and some ****'s for u too (just to prove im getting he hang of this)
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Question Author
uhhhh....nope - will leave that little trick to some others out there with massive ego's .....:-) (i'm gonn look out for those that do now....
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Question Author
okay - now i just GOTTA see this pic...where is it?

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Question Author
it'll probably wait for another day ay? ....gotta get some shut eye....Yawnl

Oh I think I missed this thread. Never mind.

Night Evedawn xxx
Night evedawn, TB, everyone. Can someone just tell me what the blasted beta addy is again please? x
Oh dear - that was wrong!!! I meant hello to everyone else..... Head's all over the place at the moment...
Bless you! That's ONE less thing to get stressed about - x

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What do the ***'s mean in ratings

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