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Going down !

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funkymoped | 21:48 Fri 25th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
in an elevator...

would you ???


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If you're on any floor apart from ground and wish to exit the building (and don't wish to take the stairs), then it's the only option.
I have! ;O)
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I would take the stairs...
much more sensible cazz, I need to lose a few pounds myself .!
If you were as high up as me in your building you wouldn't it would kill you! :D
slowly slowly beads ;-)
coming down

as long as it not see thru
Makes me giddy dove :-(
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Is the option you??? ;-)
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Beady beadyy dave hellloooooooooo you lot lol .

Hello Legend :) Hello all :)
Nothing goes down quicker than Liverpool in the league! ;-))
I would -I did it on full plane to Milan -under the guise of the Sun and got away with it -only thing is we dont knw where it ended up -lol I still sweat at that -seriously................

I have done Jacuzzi -the lot...............elavotor -well being Aerosmith freaks then we have started -lol
yes if i knew i cold get away with it! :-)
would you funky?

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Going down !

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