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Which is the best camera for Gigs and Shows? i need to know quick!!

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hollie1586 | 14:23 Sat 26th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
1 Answers
i go to alot of gigs and i need a digi cam that can zoom in really close to take pics and videos. iv had a look at the Samsung I85 and that looks quite good with 5x optical zoom. which others should i look at? i need to know fast cos im going out in about 30 mins and i am wanting to buy one today!!


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When you go to the shop you need to ask about the best for taking in dark conditions. Putting your flash on ruins the pictures. So you need a steady hand, preferably, with a view finder instead of using a screen. The fuji f20 and f30 aren;t bad little cameras. You need an f number of at least 2.8.

Also unless you are blowing the pictures up to poster size then you dont need more than 4-6 mega pixels, sop spend the money on a better quality lens.

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Which is the best camera for Gigs and Shows? i need to know quick!!

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