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whats everyone up to tonight?

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FKNelectro | 18:43 Sat 26th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
im having dinner in with my family
what about you guys?


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I have just asked a young filly out for dinner, but she has yet to reply.

So I will be stuck in my little house all by myself with no friends here whatsoever.

I wish I took the train back to Sussex now!!!
curtain making,,,,,,groan, goblet pleats... I might as well go joing the WI hadnt I.
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no answers? ill just bump it then
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aww lol
thats the good thing about sitting at home eating a lovely curry
Hiya! Is your name steven by any chance?

Nothing planned yet, I'm sat here watching Harry Potter on
Bewlay ....can horses talk these days....

Hi FKN, i'm in alone to night but i have my burt-basset for company, so i'm just having a bar of chocolate dipped in a hot cup of coffee, have a lovely night, hugs, megan. xxxxx
I have just finished cooking, Pork chops n apple sauce, chive mash and veg.
Settling down for the evening with a glass of wine and blast, the football!!!!
prob staying in - perhaps the pub later but not sure yet. also been watching harry potter like max is, (only cos nothing else remotely interesting on the tv)
This particular mare could probably talk for England, but she has blown me out like a stumpy old candle.

I guess it's me, myself and TV
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Watching footie under sufferance, then ocean's 13 and the messiah from earlier this week
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oh what channel is harry potter on? lol
i saw the first one the other day, i havent seen it since it came out, and it was so funny seeing daniel radcliff that young. i think hes a really bad actor
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is anyone watching casualty tonight?
i've watched it every week for about 4 or 5 years, cos im cool obviously. anyone else watch it?
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well im off, family have arrived
I am just having a break.I am having BURNS NIGHT PARTY with Haggis and all the trimmings .Just going to put the haggis on to simmer in about half an hour.
wendilla - I've never tasted haggis, what does it taste like?
hi FKN, im not up to a lot, get my little man into bed at 7.30 and chill out for the rest of the night, i went out last night and danced all night long,and drank a little too much, i am 39 so today i need rest!
Should be fine by monday! ;-)
i have just got in from dj'ing a thirteen year old girls party...hell. they dance for half a track then all run to the loo or whatever. they ask for club tunes and as soon as you put them on they want cha cha slide. give me a drunken wedding anytime 1. one more thing . why pay all that money for a 13th b,day. i was happy with friends round and jelly and custard. o.k rant over, enjoying af ew cans and my own music in the background aahhhhhhhhbliss.
HI SKPEP is is very difficult to describe what haggis tastes like .The nearest I can say for texture have you tasted faggots but tastes different from faggots now you are going to ask what does faggots taste like?Haggis ingredients are stomach bag of a sheep-hearts lights and liver-1lb oatmeal-8oz suet--3 onions--salt and pepper.

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whats everyone up to tonight?

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