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Question Author
does your iron make that swishy noise
Yes, it swishes when the steam comes out. I'm surprised you knew about the swishing Bob.x
Question Author
i have heard it in the background when did they get water in them?
Ermmmmmmmmmm quite some time ago sweetie. Do you eat your crusts?x
Question Author
do you put the water im yourself? i do about 80% of the time
Yes, when you buy an iron it comes with a teeny tiny water jug and you use this to fill the iron with water. Clever eh?lol What happens the other 20% of the time.x
Question Author
they feed walter my wheelie bin, where do you keep the jug?
My little jug lives in the cupboard under the sink with all the cleaning stuff. Walter is a fantastic name for a wheelie bin. Maybe I should name mine.x
Question Author
Marvellous name, thank you.x
Question Author
do you have a pedal bin
Yes. Does all this talk of bins get your creative juices flowing? Have you ever decorated a pedal bin???x
Question Author
i mostly do faces on them bins are a passion of mine
You do strike me as being a very passionate person Bob.x
Question Author
thank you katie

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do you eat

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