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My dog is spooking me out !!

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PatriciaH | 20:31 Tue 29th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
my comp is at the end of the living room and there is a corner behind me... well he keeps looking up to the corner of the ceiling and just stares , he hasnt growled or anything but its freaking me out- do you think he can see something i cant?


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Animals are very perseptive of spooky things, perhaps you have a ghost that is lurking in the corner waiting to get you, has the room gone very cold if so then you definately have a visitor from beyond the grave.
Have you farted patty?
Is it possible there is reflection of light up on the ceiling. Our dog stares at light for ages.
my dog likes to look in the corners of our ceiling too, i think its cos we have a few spiders webs..
it always freaks me out though
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Lol @ puss and leg... there arent any lights ,shadows or spiders lurking.... he keeps walking away then coming back and staring ....oooooo : ~ 0
Our pets can see something in our house that we cant, but we are used to it now!
your spooked by 1 dog?!
we were sat watching a film a couple of years ago and 5 cats& 2 dogs sat staring at the stairs, and all moving their heads at the same time! we get it alot in our place, and it scared me stupid to start with, but used to it now :)
Think its a friendly ghost!
oooooooooooooo spooky
Our house has had lots of spooky happenings and our dog does the same but he doesn't bark.
He also sits and watches someone/something coming downstairs. You can see his head moving as whatever it is gets to the bottom of the stairs then the dog stands up and starts wagging his tail as if someone has come into the room. He also stares into corners.
3-2-1- He's back in the room lol
Patty you never answered me.I assume youve dropped a goodun and the pooor dog is choking.Id call that animal cruelty.

H T H ?

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My dog is spooking me out !!

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