Okay so... I think you need to watch the rest of the episodes of the second series and all of the first.
That was one episode, they are called 'Time Agents'. The Time Agency is a secret organisation. It has been in less than 5 episodes of both Doctor Who and Torchwood over the last 44 years that the shows have been on collectively. That epsiode was used to tell us slightly more about the character, Jack, and to make an opening point to the series. The whole show in itself is about a 'secret' group of people tracking down aliens and aline technology on Earth and defending the human race. The character Captain John Hart isn't going to be in every episode and as for the 'gingers snogging' I wouldn't exactly call James Marsters' hair ginger, more auburn. And 'gingers' suggests more than one 'ginger' and John Barromwan DEFINITELY doesn't have red hair. Don't worry, you don't have to be 'subjected' to it every episode, you're say it like you are forced to watch the programme every week anyway. The show has never pretended to be anything else and people are 'warned' before watching it... I suggest you watch a few more and then see how you feel.