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I am ashamed, I don't know where to look!!!!!

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dot.hawkes | 15:27 Wed 30th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
My youngest son has just been offered a final interview for the job of a traffc warden.

What should I do? How will I live with the shame!!!!!!!!!????????


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hi dot

dont drive past him

no game no shame lol

how are you after last nights

thread with k i the troll
dont be so silly some one has to do it .....better than him being on the dole !!
Question Author
hi monty! well today has been very eventful, my eldest son went to the coroners inquest over his best mates death and it was accidental death, it has answered alot of questions.
My daughter who is not well has been whisked away for a few days in spain and now my youngest son decides to bring shame on the family!!!

sleepy he isn;t on the dole he has a job already, he intended going into the RAF like his Dad but has changed his mind, i think it is cos of his GF.
Well he obviously likes uniforms then dotty!
sorry to hear that dot

wish some one would whisk me to a hot country

he must like putting his mark on the cars then

evey one has a fantasy

whats yours and all here xxxx

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actually they will be quite similar! The uniform is a mid greyish blue and the hat has a red bamnd around it : (( Oh I feel ill....................
Is he African??!!

All the traffic wardens round here are African and we joke that if we applied we would not get the job !!!!!
ok dot ...fair enough..i wasnt meaning he is on dole .....
Oh dear dotty - is it too late to put him up for adoption?
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no funnygirl he isn;t African, his great great great grandmother was from Saxe Coburg and so she was German, his great great grandma on another side was Welsh, his great great great grandma on another side was Irish, think the rest were pretty English.

As long as he doesn't bring his work home.
Imagine after a long day you are about to plonk yourself on the sofa and he yells "You can't park your bum there"
Or even worse, if he tows the cars and parks them in the garden!!!!!!
Dot, does that mean you may be related to royalty as wasn't Queen Victoria's husband Albert from Saxe Coburg ? I bet you are really proud your son may get this job aren't you, go on admit it. I hope he gets it , good luck to him it will be one less thing for you to worry about.
Whats wrong with traffic wardens?

Awww Dot, sorry to hear about you sons best mate and your poorly daughter. x

Just think of it as being able to park anywhere he will be patrolling for free. Surely he can turn a blind eye for his dearest mummy ;-) x
I was a traffic warden in a past life - and I loved it. Dont think I would want to do it now tho. Things have changed - people have a real dislike for them these days. They are usually called parking attendants now as well.
When I worked in London it was a real mix, traffic duty, crowd control at Xmas, tourist directions, school crossings, winding meters. Not that many tickets for most of us and bonuses were a myth.

My son is a PCSO in London now and his job is similar. He loves it too and will apply to join the police within a year or so.

I'm not ashamed of his job, wasn't ashamed of mine, but Mr Rabbity had a field day when I first started the job.
No shame Dot - as sleepy says, someone's got to do it!

Better watch where I park now....where is it you live Dot? ;o}

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Thats good news Dot -although I would keep it quiet on here if he gets the job -lol

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I am ashamed, I don't know where to look!!!!!

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