My alarm went at 4.00am this morning. Got up, bunged up nose & sore throat. Made a coffee while listening to the wild winds outside the house. Ventured out to catch my bus for work, crazy hailstone and rain! Stood at the bustop in Piccadilly wishing I was somewhere warm! The wind was that strong, the young trees were bending! Now I'm home in cosy warmth!!! How's your day been??
Hee hee mamma!!!! Looks like Manchester at the mo!
I looked a right sight this morning. I had my work uniform on + tabard + fleece + thick coat + scarf + Marshmallow man from ghostbusters lol!!!!! xxxx
Hi mamma - Well, as you know I went on Monday for the Gast thing & I already had a tickly cough. Anyway, after that it sort of really brought it on. I have a kind of head cold that's all, thanks mamma xxx How you coping with your wiring lol?
Oh yes skyep mondays test may well have not helped with your throat . I am coping with the monitor thankyou , and glad it's not got wires and sticker spots this time.