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saga feb

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Donald Duck | 15:29 Fri 01st Feb 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
4a/ dies of cold, being held in the freezer (3,5) Ice ????s. 2d/ share reward for finding thief (8) c?t?u?s?. 6d/ fawlty almost conceals sign of Spartan King (9) ??e?m?n?s and 15d/ overcome resistance with diamond for this girl (8) ?e?t?i??. (first time i've had a go at a Saga xword and I'm not finding it easy!!!)


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4 was answered yesterday as "ice cubes". Dies being another name for dice.
2d Cutpurse
15d Beat-r-ice
6d Cle-omen-es(e)

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