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Will he jump?

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bigmamma | 13:16 Sat 02nd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
How cute is this , bless him , will he take the plunge eventually ?


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Awww, gorgeous dog!

I knew he could do it!!

Morning Bigmamma, what a brilliant clip! Now all they have to do is get the other dog in too.
Aww thats brilliant bigmamma, he was sooooo cute and weren't they clever how they persuaded him to jump.
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Hi hays , warpig , and originalang , I too like the way they persuaded him to jump in . The other dog is keeping out of the way I noticed too warpig :-) xxxxxx
ace mamma

it was very good
how is porche the day

lv monty xx

chico is been wicked

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Hi knobby , my dog just leaps in and goes really deep , just so she can shake and spray everyone in sight when she gets out I bet ! Hi MONTY , hi chico :-) xxxxxx
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Awww that is so cute. At least he didn't need a rubber float! xxx
hiya bm,
great clip!
Hi bigmamma :)

awww what a little cutie, i was cheering when he eventually jumped in. :)
Question Author
Hi tigger , christine , and Louisa , I cheered when he finally jumped in too ! xxxxx
I liked that!
Hey, warpig, haven't seen you on AB for a while - how're you doing?
K xx

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Will he jump?

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