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Anybody know

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puss_boots | 18:06 Sun 03rd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Why AB will not let me sign in with pussnboots, I have this user name that I got for the beta thingy but I would like my....n......back.


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Hi Puss,

The same thing happened to me last week and I had to sign in as bluetigger. I emailed them using the contact us bit at the bottom and I was able to log back in the next day.

Good luck hun xxx
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Ta tigger I will try that.
Hi pussnboots , I don't think you have much hope on a Sunday but try emailing the tech team explaining your problem missing n again . I have got this spare one for you in the hopes it will find it's way ........n........:-) xxx
I have got about 30 you can borrow. Whatever you do, don't panic, the RAC will be along soon.

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