Question Author
Well, not a bad week really. Twenty0ne of the 49 entrants were at least partly on fordward's wavelength and scored points.
First out of the shrubbery (once again) was Alibobs who matched FAMILY TREE for 2 points. freebi 2 & jan1956 were within the two-minutes and also gained a bonus for that one (2 points each).
Close on the heels of Alibobs, sarumite matched CHILD HOOD for his 2 points. Others matching this were too late to qualify for the bonus.
Entrant number 4 freebi 2 also had a LOVE AFFAIR for 2 points (total of 4) making him the highest scorer this week.
That was three links down in barely two minutes. So what about the final link of GRAND FATHER? It only lasted until Grenmus came along at 9:06 as entrant #14 to claim the final bonus points of the weekend.
This week it was easy to select a '*** HOTSHOT OF THE WEEK ***' because there was only one big hitter matching THREE of King Fordward's four links (for 3 points). No, nobody with previous form managed it - in fact it was a tentative entry by a novice entrant around teatime on Saturday who nearly swept the board.
'*** WELCOME TO THE GAME ***' ladyalex. I hereby declare you '*** HOTSHOT OF THE WEEK ***'. You've obviously got the knack.
Now for the leader board:
4 points: freebi 2
3 points: ladyalex
2 points Alibobs, Aquagility, Grenmus, jan1956, joto, sarumite, & x-ray
and another 12 players on 1 point.
Until next weekend then: this is gen2 signing off from official duties.