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any body want some ?

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logic | 13:58 Mon 04th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Reading about the two, err no, three plump ladies yearning for cakes earlier, got me thinking about one,

SO Iv'e been to the CO-OP on the corner, and i found a fresh cream strawberry gataux, and a cadbury's double chocolate one,
I am going to make a cup of tea now, then i will have to decide which one to attack first.

Decisions,,,, decisions,


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Oh logic - I DO understand how you feel!
I'm not sure if it's just for a check-up or not TB. I guess so, as there's this crown which's come off, so I don't know if it'll be cleaned and re-used, or another one made in its place? I hope it's the latter really, but can't bear the thought of what'll happen before I'm smiling again! Even blasted check-ups hurt me, if they prod around with that pointed instrument!!! I'm sure i'll pass out or something stupid!
And if logic's still there, or comes back - I didn't mean to spoil your beautiful thread!! please save me some of that strawberry gateaux for when i'm able to eat properly again!!!! x
Well guys.....time's ticking away now. Got about....20-25 minutes before I leave the house. Absolutely petrified. I don't even know if i can drive!
Just think of it as 10 minutes of your life Icey. Surely it can't be as bad as childbirth!!! Lol

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