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mose | 09:17 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
hi everyone, not a good start to this chatterbanking,
was gonna be called mouse, but somehow missed the u, out.

does everyone know each other on here in real life?


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lol bless u, i used to know loads of people on here but i became a traitor and went too answerbag for a bit (dont all boo at once) but i got bored and have come back.
Question Author
me too, was here like a hundred years ago,
dont know anyone now : o (
but whats answerbag?

everythings changed.
Hi Mose,

Like the name.

I don't know anyone on here personally, but have got to know some lovely people on here.

I feel like I know a lot of the aber's in real life.
Question Author
hello funnygirl,
must be nice to come on here and chat, espeicially y when you feel a bit lonely or fed up.

i guess its like a family?
Hello mose , nice to meet you , and welcome . I don't know anyone on here in real life , having never met an Aber off -line. However , I have lots of people on here that are good friends and indeed there are many lovely Abers . Hope you enjoy :-) x
answerbags like the american version of this, people give u points for your answers and it fills up your 'points bag' u do get a bit obsessed with the whole points thing though.

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