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Shrove Tuesday

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theonlyone | 21:22 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
is today , and we have all had the pancakes the start of Lent , so will anyone be giving anything up for 6 weeks until Easter ??


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I am actually followind the example set by someone I read about today, they are using the 6 weeks of lent to lighten their carbon footprint by giving up using carrier bags, walking more, stuff like that, I think it is something I have been paying attention to for some time and this will be the chance to show abit more will power, get some exercise and also maybe make a tiny tiny minute difference.
I thought about giving up answering silly questions here on AB.

I will see haow I feel about that tomorrow.
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Nice one Dot ,think I will give up booze .. what I mean is a diet ... and the money from it will go to a charity ..amazing how much a bar bill is !!
I have given up making pancakes. First year I've not made them but it is only us 2 now. Mr Rabbity was expecting them but he got a packet of choccy peanuts instead.
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Hi 10 Clarion, my son obsesses about re-cycling and is always reading me stuff from the New Scientist or National Geographic, I feel I can be positive about it, rather than just ignore it, alot of money and effort is going into recycling and the like, so if someone else wants to recycle my old bottles and cans it keeps our bin empty

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