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window cleaner

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homerbart | 17:16 Wed 06th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Anybody know of a real good window glass cleaner. I find all of the products really streaky.


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I never use products, they are hopeless.

just hot water with a bit of fairy liquid in and always use kitchen roll to dry them off. It never smears.

Vinegar, wiped off with newspaper
Lots of vinegar in water. :o)
Damn, for once I was going to be able to give a helpful answer and 4GS beat me to it!
Sorry Ma'am
Won't happen again

Youre forgiven just give me a chance first next time! lol
Hi homer, I do the same as unruly. xxx
deffinatly use newspaper its amazing on glass and windows!!
get a spray bottle fill with water and add a little bit of corn flour
I use hot soapy water and one of those thingys the window cleaners use, works a dream /POC_1.JPG
My window cleaning man :-)
If you use the vinegar and newspaper method be sure to use a good quality paper like the Times or Telegraph the other tabloids leave the black print all over.
My local hardware store does a vinegar spray (not full vinegar) which I really like - 99p....if I use vinegar on it's own it's too strong and I do it pulling a face. That's another story though.
you cant get better than fairy liquid, and as cazzz says use a rubber blade to squeegee it off and they shine brilliantly

indoors i use a cheapo from Lidl (W5 glass cleaner) on mirrors etc, its great too

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