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Superman song

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Maggoty | 15:46 Tue 05th Feb 2008 | Music
6 Answers
Anyone remember that awful song re Superman. The one where you "ski", "swim" "and Spray" - and you did the actions to them as you say. The last one was always "Superman", so there you were one arm raised looking a right numpty doing a superman impression.

Anyone know the one I mean??



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i do !!!!!

Was one of those party songs back in the 80's

loved it !!

A Black Lace good party is complete without at least one of their poptastic tunes...................
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cheers folks...........

will now annoy all the rad, street cred youngsters I work with by singing it (and doing the actions) ALL afternoon.

He he (cue evil cackle)
Here's their site: tml

and how sad is it that i know their original lead singer left to join that other horror - Smokie?
I use it in school with the kids some times. They love the Superman bit!
If you want a laugh try listening to thew X rated version that Black Lace made, hahahaha

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Superman song

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