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29th Feb

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4getmenot | 12:27 Fri 08th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I think we should get paid overtime


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or deductions for time spent on here during another working day,
I would agree with you 4get, but I wont be working :)
4get -if I was your boss you will be getting triple time. Extras for spending time on here during working hours. lol

Sprocket, how have you been? Haven't seen you on here lately. Are you busy working or watching too much Western movies? ;-) xx
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I dont come on here while working anymore
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jeez you try and have a laugh
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thats for desperados surely legend, plus I dont want to get married
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i just asked my boss and he said no
i thought it was 14th feb in a leap year that a girl could propose
Question Author
no its leap day red. And not harsh I just think it is :-)
so why are GMTV doing their annual 'embarass a load of men' day on valentines then??
Question Author ar.htm

But as I;ve always said valentines should be on a leap day so I only get dissapointed once every four years
I think we should all take the day off!!!

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29th Feb

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