I think my man is gay. He has more beauty products than I do, he has a manicure every week whether he needs one or not, he constantly smells of perfume, he wears CK one and so he tells me it is his aftershave, he has a facial once a fortnight, he listens to soft jazz music and is always out with his work colleagues at some kind of gentlemens club that is called the 'basement'.
He is very effiminate, and I want some advice as we are getting married and I need to know if I have to go back to my lover
1/ this a joke, and yes, go to your lover, but keep your fiance for fashion advice, and make up tips.
2/ It's for real, and he sounds quite effeminate, but then if you live in "trendy" London or other big city, you'll find that a lot of men act the same way. Unless he's a truck driver or crane operator, he can fit those things into his lifestyle no problem.
Question though..lover??? lol Careful he doesn't steal him!
Well , are you still having sex? if yes the worst thing it can be he is Bi-Sexual, why don't you ask him outright. or go back to your lover, please don't say you are lesbian, cos I will be totally confused then.
I do not live in trendy London its East Midlands and there is a lot of it about. My lover would definitely take me back, in fact I have been seeing him on and off for the last 3 years. I am beautiful. I look like a filmstar. Hard to believe I know however it is the Gods Honest Truth.