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Ideas for proposition..

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Zammo | 14:33 Sat 09th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
How did your other half propose to you?


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With a machette.
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O H propsed one night when he was pished over the phone -we had been with each other for 7mths,I said phone back in the morning and ask me sober -he did -I said right want me to get things organised -yip he said (just having a registrar wedding without anyone knowing)

I wern hell for leather that day -had it all neatly tied up and he phoned at tea time -and I said guess what !!!!!
What!!!!! -we're getting married 3wks today in Musselburgh.
dddddddddddddddddddddddd (thats was the phone BTW).

He didnt phone back for hours -think he thought he was just keeping me sweet -well he got the shock of his life -lol.

BTW -the Jannie and Clerical Assistant were our witnesses -we had something to eat went to bed with a case of Stella -phoned everyone -then got up and went out to the Casino until 4 in the morning -it was ace !!!

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