I fell asleep on the couch at 9.30 last night, and woke up at 4am....Since I couldn't go back to sleep, I started reading a book, and now it's 8 and there's no point going back to bed! lol Sooo....wishing you all a good morning from sunny Belfast! xxx
HI Jenna, how are you keeping, haven't seen you around for ages. Meant to say thank you ages ago for the recipe you gave me for the chocolate orange drizzel cake, have made it loads of times now and I am very impressed with my 'baking' skills, even if i do say so myself.
Hello all!
Well, I have just had a mini-adventure! lol
I was trying to kill time by googling my old university mates, and came across one who now lives in Salt Lake City! It didn't give her email, so a bit more research brought me to her place of work, and I just emailed someone there to see if they will pass on her details! How exciting! lol :O)
Hi Warpig, I was just going to ask how the bump was! lol Whatever you do, you HAVE to feed it chocolate, as I heard it is crucial in the late stages....;O)
Any news from Psychick? I saw her thread earlier and posted on it. Mini-psychick might make an appearance soon!
No, no word from psychick yet max, but will keep popping on to her thread just in case. She was planning on having a home birth so hopefully if anything happens we should know pretty sharpish, mind you, I am sure posting to us lot will not be the first thing on her mind!