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This is one of my favourites and I will be singing this at the top of my lungs for the rest of the day

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haysi06 | 15:11 Sun 10th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Hope the link works! I tested it!


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lol you'll have a sore throat doin that haysi hon
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Question Author
Hi weeal, aww listen to this one too.

My wee pups ears just pricked up LOL
Madame Butterfly
Don't listen to WEEEal.....Haysi.........she's from's the one who likes good music.......:o)
Question Author
LOL Builder, you have started a cultural revolution on CB, its all your fault mate, my neighbours are going to be chapping on the door asking who is strangling a cat!
Haysi, that is surely animal cruelty hahaha

lol Builder, Im in Paisley but relatively close

Yoda listens to whatever Im playing and ive seen him use his air guitar many a time
lol lol lol Haysi...................ignore the peasants............CB is the ELITE..................."la creme de la creme"...................
I like "La Mamma Morta" sung by Maria Callas,it brings a tear to my eye when I hear it.
Question Author
I love Maria Callas and have enjoyed these songs this afternoon.

Now for some chill out music:
Question Author
You may know this from 'the painted veil'. beautiful.
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sorry - couldn't resist a bit of grandeur!
carmina burana
nice one Bensmum

my ears are bleedin from them ones Haysi lol x x

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This is one of my favourites and I will be singing this at the top of my lungs for the rest of the day

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