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bigmamma | 22:03 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Hello , well I have to see the dietician tomorrow again , haven't been since before xmas . Will I have put on any weight , that 's the question . What can I eat tonight to make any difference ? lol ...xxxxx


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I v'e been trying really hard , eating whether hungry or not , even though I fill up quickly. I have changed from semi-skimmed to full milk , have frequent snacks in the evenings , have milk , cheese , and yoghurt . I have sat down to more meals over xmas with having my son home. I therefore hope to have put on some.
hello weeal, yes we did have a lovely time thank you, she's a terrible influence on me, that one :)
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Hi helliebobs :-) xxxx
thats good Helliebobs, bet you just suffed your wee faces by the sounds of it haha, good call!

mamma, I tried for around 30 yrs, every fattening thing in the shops, made a shopping list from the 'donts' section in all the diet books and it didnt make one bit of difference.
Only in the past 4 months or so I have put on about a stone, and its just thro doin nothing, sitting here at the PC eating jelly sweets n crisps and having no exercise whatsoever, mind you since I gave up the b/f its been no stress either so that prob counts for a lot
Hello bigmamma, sorry not helping much with your dilemma am I ? Useless :(
Weeal, we didn't that's the thing, we were too busy gabbing half the time which is why we scoffed the goodies - quick and easy to errr, prepare!
My only worry Mamma is that most of the things you mention (full fat milk, cheese etc) are high in animal fats. Not good for you in the long term.

How about huge plates of pasta?
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Funny you should mention that Panic Button , I did wonder about the long term as I had very little cheese and butter and full milk before first seeing the dietician , it was her who told me to increase my fat intake. I have already had a mild stroke and am on blood thinners so I still don't eat very much full fat really but I have started to hve rice and pasta more often . :-) xxxxx
I flavour my pasta now with pesto, rather than cheese.

Oh stop, I'm getting hungry now.

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