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I'm so proud of my boy

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4GS | 10:19 Tue 12th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Recently I've been teaching the eldest 4GS sprog essential man skills such as leaving the toilet seat up, burping etc and he is now proficient at doing the dad dance. This morning at school his teacher took me to one side and said that yesterday he put his hand up to ask her a question, and when she went over to him, he asked her to touch his finger, when she did, he let loose an amazingly loud fart which reduced the class to hysterics.

That's my boy :-)


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I wonder if its Mr CRX thats teaching little CRX to wee out of the toilet when potty training?

That has made me really laugh, Kids are soo funny, My Nephew who is 3 is fasinated with Poo, - he loves it when the fish are swimming and pooing!! Yesterday i asked him what he had done at preschool, and he said nothing justed farted around!!
lol john, kids are so into farts and poo!, my daughters class were in hysterics last week when they had a female scottish teacher and everytime she said "six" they thought she said sex!

there are some boys in year six who apparently save their farts for assembly!
Ah a chip of the old block!

My friends little girl came home very concerned after talking to an older friend about the sex education classes she would be having. Burst into tears and said 'But I don't like any of the boys in my class, I don't want to have sex with any of them'
Turns out her friend had told her they work in pairs and she thought they would have to do 'practical'!!
Aargh...... that's one of those moments when you are supposed to apologise and have a word with him but you laugh in her face.
Bless him, 4GS!!!! Pmsl. He was obviously bursting to do it, and thought he'd get a laugh out of it at the same time. Judging by most men and their boyish habits, it's a sure sign of him growing up. Er....did he get it from you, or his dad?? x
Bless him, 4GS!!!! Pmsl. He was obviously bursting to do it, and thought he'd get a laugh out of it at the same time. Judging by most men and their boyish habits, it's a sure sign of him growing up. Er....which one of you did he copy it from??? x
Er????? Oh well - it shows I meant what I said!!!

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I'm so proud of my boy

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