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Legends state of mind.

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mudflap | 23:03 Tue 12th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Is there anyone with a mental health background who can diagnose Legend?

I am interested to know what condition he suffers from that would make him spend very near to 24 7 on a website posting utter nonsense without it would seem taking time to go to the toliet?

The human mind i find fascinating so please can anyone offer a reasoned case?

Why does he spend so much time indoors when outside there is one of Europe's finest climates?

Does he work?

If not how does he support himself?




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lol dris! they must spend a lot of their own time sifting through threads and worrying sick about a person they dont know.

thats the sad thing mudflap, its even sadder to post about it
noone on this site would be bothered to do this you know, what other sites has he upset people on?
dot, there is something about evenings on AB, all these weirdos jump on each others bandwagon, when one starts they all start!

After ronnie b posts I always wait to see when babybow will pop up
Hi ladioes .As most of the imposters are whiffy and he does know me through second or third parties its all the more sad.I do have deep concerns for him .But hey if you aint up to the job you aint up to it.

H T H ?
this lot today is not whiffey, too much effort has gone into this, whiffey is lazy lol
I dont think these are all whiffey, the style is too different
that too, but mainly, it is not surreal enough to be him!!!
dotty i can only think of 1 site im banned from
you do seem to think you know a lot about me.thankfully i dont post about being a junkie.which i see youre still doing tonight.will you ever realise its not funny and neither are you.

you are very bitter and tell such pathetic lies.

but continue youve made fool enough of yourself this week .please continue.
Well spotted cazz, and thank you, I am me and nobody else, the style is always a giveaway, can't be disguised.

leg end's claims to my acquaintance are a little exaggerated - a 3 minute phone conversation about 6 months ago, nothing since (except abusive mobby txts from him to me)

Am I your aquaintance Whiff -I was on the phone way longer than 3 mins?
whiffey hang on i have to nip to the co-op for some skins brb
Oh, and I am bladdered and out of my mind on drugs.

H T H ?
Awwwwww give Legend a break. He's not hurting anyone. And his writings has improved a bit. Instead of encouraging him to do better by turning his 'not-so-nice' post into something positive, some of you all are trying to sink him deeper. That's not nice. How will he change if he's not given a chance? He keeps having to defend himself constantly.

sunday where have you been hiding yourself??? hi!!
Whiffy so we never spoke when i was in scotland in december?2days after my birthday ?Can you recall you questioned me over what id been up to ?

Surely the brain of croydon the nhs workdoger and stealer of wages remembers?

Your children proud of you?

I doubt it you sad old man.

Correct, no we didn't.
father figure??i wonder eh?

lies lies yet more lies.

this is what makes me laugh the rank stupidity and lies.

continue i love to see you make a fool of yourself.

t d h t y v m : - )

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