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For Dot & Leg

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dabees | 03:22 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
How about arguing on a thread that doesn't have my name attached to it?

I sound like an instigator in all this. lol.


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d theres no instigators just collabrators .
im sure youve seen this all before

nite d thanks
soz again there Dabees, I'm outa here, bez is very upset and I am feeling the same way, and when it gets that way you know it is time to pack it in, he wins.
lmao bez upset?you mean like her blood pressure you blamed on me?that she saud you were a fkin liar about?

say what you want dot but im goin nowhere.
no matter how much you or whiffy tries .
im your worst nightmare because i dont care what you say.

go get piiisssed go get stoned on drugs i dont care.

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