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lubecki161 | 17:20 Tue 12th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
How can you tell if its just a crush that you will get over or if its somthing more....for those of you in a relationship or not!


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I knew that my husband to be really loved me when I fell off some skis and landed heavily. He rushed over & picked me up. Later on, we were laughing about the incident, and I jokingkly said that he might've married someone with a bad limp. He turned to me and said he would've still married me even if I'd ended up in a wheelchair for ever more. Those few words showed me what he really thought.
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Ah that gave me goosebumps! Your ice.Maiden name no longer fits!
In my opinion you can tell when it is love and not just lust or a crush!
I can just tell my partner loves me more than anything by the way he looks when he cuddles up to me, or looks at me. It may sound silly but i really can.
Well to be fair you can get over a crush and being in love but one just takes a bit longer and leaves a little more scar tissue is all.
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But what if you thought you were in love already and developed somthing for someone else?
Im trying to help a friend with something and i wanted othere opinions!
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If you can develop feelings for someone else and even consider hurting that person then its not true love!
i could never see myself with anyone but my boyfriend and would never consider cheating on him and i know he feels the same.
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Thats what she thought they've been together for 6 years now and i think she just has a little crush on someone
are you saying she should end her relationship JUST because she might have a little crush on someone that might only last a little while?
I think that loving someone means you don't want to have a crush on anyone else, but if it does happen, it might be just a way of your mate enjoying a bit of a flirt or attention. It probably will pass.

If it doesn't then I would question if does love her partner!
you can just tell...
any doubts whatsever means prob a crush.
when ya love someone you dont care about stuff like looks etc etc you just love em !!! gosh thats quite a difficult question to sum up ! LOL
No matter how much you love someone, it doesn't put blinkers on you, and crushes are relatively harmless. it's only when you might dream of taking things further that it's time to stop and question the relationship you already have. If you truly love someone, I don't think you have much time for anyone else anyway.
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I know sorry! I guess time will tell!
I'm terribly sorry 3eight and lube, I had no idea I'd raised another question as I didn't put a ? at the end of it. How remiss of me. Will I ever be forgiven?

As to your friend having feelings for someone else it is entirely possible to love and/or have a crush on more than one person. Ultimately if someone puts a gun to the heads of both people you'll work out pretty quickly which one you prefer but since that's hopefully unlikely then just leave your friend to it and assure them that it's not wrong to find someone else attractive even if you are in a relationship.
When you feel physically sick, not at the sight of them, but the thought of seeing them again.
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