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puss_boots | 21:13 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Pussnboots has been in the dungeon now for over a week. I am having to prance around without my....n...... I have emailed the ed and the tech team and they just ignore me anyone know where the key is to this place as I need help.


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Have you been banned for anything or can you just not sign in? if its cos you just cant sign in then if you clear all your cookies and temporary internet files, sometimes it works :)
Hi Puss! I'll send me burd around to nick the key for you. How are you otherwise? Everything ok? xx
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Can't sign in aka, I'll have to get mrpuss to do cookies and such like as I'm hopless with that stuff.
It may be a timed ban, I was banned for 2 weeks, I tried tech with no joy either, they are not the most useful in terms of customer care!
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I'm fine thanks figure. I know it really doesn't matter about my....n..... in the whole scale of life but I have had pussnboots for over a year and I want it back. I will try what aka suggests.
Hi puss hun, why are you in the dungeon my love, i will send you a cake with a file in it, love and hugs megan. xxx

Dear ED, if you can see this please let our pussnboots out of the dungeon, thank you very much, love and a hug to you to, megan. xxxxx
I know what you mean about your name puss, I was pixi on here for ages then had to change my name and I hated the aka bit for months lol
You know Puss, not once have I not had a response from AB. What browser do you use? Lets try and see if we can fix this, eh!
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Been away for a few minutes Tried the cookies and temp files etc didn't work.

figure its Internet Explorer 7
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megan07 can you make the cake a chocolate one and send a can of squirty cream with it.
pusss try phoning the ab.
it worked for me

aww i hope you get it sorted soon puss
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Tried phoning legend no one answered let it ring for ages.
Hi there! Had a call from the Ed this a.m., and was told that over 100 peoples' user names were being reinstated within 20 mins of me receiving the message. Have you tried again Puss? x
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Just tried again ice.maiden and still no luck. I am going to give them a ring tomorrow. Thanks all for your input, pussnboots will be back by hook or by crook.
aww you still in the AB dungeon? thats a helluva time puss

I got kicked out few weeks back but they answered my email in 2 days or so saying my account wasnt suspended, they dont know what happened and I mysteriously got back in again

techy probs eh
Hope so Puss - it's a nice name - x

Think the longest I was in the dungeon for was about a week, Weeal, but these days the Ed's very kind to me. Must be trhe way I say pretty please! x

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