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How about things that get you p...lastered?

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Ice.Maiden | 23:50 Thu 14th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Mine...anything really.


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Breaking your leg?
Reminds me of that old joke.

What's green and get you pi$$ed really quickly.

A Giro.
very witty ray!!

for me the only thing that makes me get hammered is "fear"
Talking of green munkeeluvva.

What is green and comes out of your nose at 100mph?

A Lamborgreenie
a wall when iv smacked into it

part of decorating my self

red wine
Question Author
Just come back to this thread. Thanks for the answers - splutter with mirth!
Southern comfort and lemonade

the gods have indeed given us ambrosia.

And no smart arses i dont mean fkin rice

google ambrosia

D T H ?

thanks leg

rice pud


poogled now xx
Hi ice and all

red wine or vodka usually does it for me :))
Why do you think everybody is retarded Leg? Is it because Knobby is a friend of yours?

There's no need to be so condescending. ;-)
Question Author
Hi there Louisa. You've spoilt it now. I thought you might say red wine WITH vodka!!! Lol. x
lol ice....well if i run out of mixers i just might lol


we are

I find 4 cans of special brew topped up with blue label smirnoff taken via a straw usually does the trick :)
Hey Ice, anything that's going really! Had a couple of glasses of Cava tonight, so it's all good :) Wine usually has me verrry merrry! If I start on Vodka and Coke I don't stop, which leads to the inevitable!
Love Sourz shots, only one or two in a night though.
Kopparberg Pear cider is delish too. A couple of bottles is more than enough to make your legs go wibbly!

After all this, you will probably find it hard to believe I don't really drink an awful lot! Are you having a good night hun? X
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I'm having a great time. Hope everyone else is. x know you want to!!! Atta girl!
Special Brew??? Isn't that the stuff that tastes like horrible barley wine? And are you serious about having it with vodka Myriad??? Sounds very potent!
That Southern Comfort - still haven't tried it yet.
Leela - START on the vodka & cokes then!!!! Wey hey!
ok if you want to get p!ssed try this one, double vodka double tequila topped up with red bull, its known as a tvr, but i don't recommend it unles you have a death wish and a few days to spare to get over the night
Question Author
Sounds interesting!

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How about things that get you p...lastered?

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