Friends of Camps Hill, New quiz available -'Relive Your Childhood' 70 questions about old children's TV programmes
Identify the programme from the initials Eg: J A T J S = Jimbo and the Jet Set.
�10 prize. Closing date 31st March 2008
�1 (cheques payable to Friends of Camps Hill) + SAE to Mrs J Filler, 48 Chells Way, Stevenage, Herts SG2 0LD Thanks for your continued support...and Good Luck
i have sent you my s.a.e and money for this quiz post on 31st of january ... but i still havent received the quiz yet .. dont know what happen with it .. can you check post that i sent on jan 31st .. thanks
I have sent all the requests out on the days that I received them. If you want to send me another SAE i will certainly send it out for you..and refund the stamp too. Can you put a note in with it to remind me.. Apologies for any inconvenience.