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Yes, they pay sick pay for as long as it takes, so far anyway; but it's only a small company (just two of us actually paid to work there) and so it hasn't been stretched to more than a week at a time yet.
But that's the trouble: it's so small, too small for me to say anything without it being personal, if you see what I mean. My contract says that I work my hours and I will keep them flexible for the company's needs, which they will forewarn me about as and when, but that when she is on holiday or sick, I work full-time hours. This means that sometimes if they need me to, I'll work weekends or evenings, etc. The problem arises though, when I do work 8.5 hours a day to cover sickness, if they're busy, they still try to get me to do weekends or evenings as well.
Probably because the company is so small, there are no back to work interviews, but I've never heard of them, so have I got that wrong? Don't misunderstand me, she's good at her job when she is there, but this illness thing just annoys me so much. I don't think I could say anything though, because when she's ill and I'm covering, I hear them saying to each other about, 'Poor XXX, she must be suffering to call in sick, I hope she's back soon,' etc.