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mistys | 11:03 Sun 17th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Why do we get drunk when we know we shouldn't?

I didn't eat lunch or dinner yesterday, but instead of having something to eat and getting an early night I decided to get p!ssed!!!!
I now have to work a busy sunday shift in a hot kitchen with a major hangover!!! :o(

Why do we do it????


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I know the feeling, I rely on the statement

"well I just couldn;t help myself"
mistys - We all have a wild side we need to play now and again. Going through life without release would be very boring indeed! xxx
I think we all need too now and again!
I don't drink much at all but now and again have a blow out 4 glasses of wine is all I need !!
U will recover just drink loads water and get an early night x
At least youre working again.I knew youd see sense.

Yep legend is right again

H 2 H : )

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