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Photo editing software

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buzzyb | 09:03 Sun 17th Feb 2008 | Technology
13 Answers

I need some advise on buying some software for my pc so I can edit photos etc.

I want to be able to crop photos, get rid of red eye, improve the colour etc - basic to intermediate stuff, therefore I do not want anything too complicated.

Can anyone advise which software is best?



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hi You dont have to buy a photo pack . Go to go Google packages ( use your serch engine ) look fore GOOGLE PACKAGE or PICASA 2. Down load Picasa it a very good pic editing program .Iv have used it for 2yrs now and once you get used to it it is so simple.
This is very good and free. You dont need to buy their cameras but you can download their software.

Great features as well.

Picassa is OK but is an on-line facility so other folk could get access to your piccies.

Download software not firmware. It is very good.

Go into effects and you can make your pics like sketches.

This is safe. ds/dln_ekn027989.jhtml
Hi 'buzzyb' ......I would also recommend Picasa ....and 'doc spock ' is not right (although there is a feature to post pictures that other people can access) that you have on your PC that you have processed with Picasa cannot be accessed by other people....(unless they hack into your PC of course)
Stay away from your Photoshops as they are very complicated. If you have a digital camera, the softwear that came with it should have some sort of basic programme.

I quite like Roxio Photosuite.
Andrea-Photoshop,How right you are .Even The 'For Dummies' is too difficult for me.
You dont need to be on line to use Picasa . what i love about it is it will find all your pictures on your PC and automatically place them into pacasa so that you dont have to spend hours searching for your pictures
iv just seen how long the down load time is on kodak 142 min on dile up , Picasa nowhere near that time lot shorter . let us know how u get on?
Dear Bee,

If you want a good, basic photo-editing programme, which also can email your pictures and keep them in order, you can download Picasa free. It is a google programme and should get you started.

Then I would recommend Adobe Elements. Not too pricey
but you would have more control.

Good luck,

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Af'noon all,

thanks for your help.

I really need the "dummies" help and at this point in time am not sure which is best ie PICASA or Kodak.

To take this a bit further I have stored all my photos on an external drive. When I download which ever software where do I save it to - my c drive or the external drive??


I go C drive . Then you can tranfer you picturs from your other drive as you like
And of course If you dont like Picasa you can allways delete it later
There are earlier version of Serif Photoplus you can download free,also consider Irfanview.
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Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom.

Think I can sort this now - i hope!!!


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Photo editing software

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