ChatterBank2 mins ago
Right...Can someone very simply explain (in an unbiased view..!!) what the main UK parties stand for? Im 18, so havn't voted before, and come the next general election, I really don't know what im voting for......
Also...since the war on Iraq started, I really havn't heard one member of the general public say anything nice about Tony Blair. Everyone calls him a liar etc...but I can't see any other party winning net year. Is it because the alternatives are no better at all?!
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.In a VERY basic way the main parties roughly follow these idoms: Tories tend to be the party of business and enterprise...the tend to tax less and spend less on public sector (schools, hospitals, policing) and enviromental issues.....they also tend to be seen as being tougher on criminals and not as "caring"..they would be all for Britian remaining as seperate from the rest of europe as possible...Labour used to be as close to the diametric opposite of these views as was possible but in the past decade or so has moderated many "left-wing" views to become more electable....The Liberals have traditionally been the centre party and have a toe in both camps on different points but many people see their wish for closer integration with europe as a major sticking point in voting for them......Other Parties like the SNP, Plaid Cymru, and the Northern Irish lot (SDLP, Sinn Fein, UUP, DUP) can be discounted for now unless you live in one of those regions....if so then please indicate so.
There are many website devoted to politics but if you google you can find the main parties own pages and read their manefestos online which will give you much more info....failing that I am sure Bernardo will be along shortly and he will give you LOADS of info.
Surely the main parties' websites have youth pages and/or info for first time voters?
If not, why the h*ll not?
I think everyone should be able to apply for a pack on their 18th birthday. The pack should contain a copy of each party's manifesto and some useful documentation about the parliamentary process, together with local contacts for each party so you can meet real people and find out about politics that way. It will never happen though!
don't listen to any of that nonsense. there is categorically NO difference between the effective policies of the conservative and labour parties at the present time that would have any meaningful effect on your life. People call it the center ground, but in reality both the tories and labour are bank rolled by roughly the same people and it is that rather than ideolegy that determins their actions.
Labour Party
mixed taxation, high stealth taxes, gradual further integration into the EU when the conditions are appropriate, mixed public and private provision of health, education, etc.
Conservative Party
low taxation if possible; private involvement in provision of services, benefits, savings, education, health etc., skeptical about further integration into the EU, tough on immigration, tough on criminals, reduce benefits
Liberal Democrats
moderate centre
high tax, investment in education and public transport, environmental protection, further integration into the EU, adopt the Euro, for regional devolution, higher income tax
Green Party
environmentalist, taxation based on use of materials and land; re-use and re-cycle materials rather than use extracting new resources; renewable sources of energy, local control by local and regional government
UK Independence Party
For withdrawal of the UK from the European Union; pro-sovereignty, pro-democracy, capitalist, free-trade, pro-European, internationalist, skeptical about political correctness, against proportional representation, against regional devolution
Respect Coalition
(Respect, Equality, Socialism, Peace, the Environment, Community, Trade Unionism)
a broad alliance of various parties and groups, especially the Socialist Workers' Party, Alliance of Workers' Liberty, Communist Party of Britain; successor to the Socialist Alliance
for state provision of all basic services - education, health, housing, benefits; high direct taxation, restrictions on private investment, against the Iraq War
Socialist Labour Party
far-left, Stalinist, democratic centralist, republican, for a single party socialist society, withdrawal from EU
Christian People's Alliance
for Christian and moral values in public life; anti-abortion, anti-foetal research, for moral values in education
British National Party
Nationalist, racist, for gradual repatriation of all non-white people; against anti-discrimination laws, against the EU, against devolution, protectionist, anti-free trade
Liberal Party
Against the EU, libertarian, animal rights, environmentalist, for civil liberties and social cohesion
Official Monster Raving Loony Party
Diversity, Protest, Fun, monarchist, against the cliques of major party control, democratic involvement of people in government at all levels, against the EU
I forgot to include the non-England parties (if you live outside England):
Scottish National Party
For Independence of Scotland outside the UK but within the EU. Centre-left (Left of Labour) with social and environmental protection policies.
Scottish Socialist Party
For independednce of a Socialist Scotland outside the UK and outside the EU. Trotskyite with far-left policies on housing, education, health, welfare, environment
Plaid Cymru - the Party of Wales
For independence of Wales within the EU. Has parliamentary alliance with the SNP. Socialist and environmental policies; devolution to local areas.
Ulster Unionist Party
Wants Northern Ireland to stay in the UK. Supports power-sharing and co-operation with nationalist parties.
Democratic Unionist Party
Wants Northern Ireland to stay in the UK. Opposes power-sharing; supports majority rule. Authoritarian and populist.
Sinn Fein
Irish Republican. Wants Ireland's status (as a unit) to be decided by the whole of Ireland (as a unit). Does not recognise the pratition of Northern Ireland from the rest of Ireland. Left-wing social policies.
Social Democratic and Labour Party
Centre-left Irish nationalist. Seeks re-unification of Ireland with the consent of the people of Northern Ireland.
I forgot a few others:
Communist Party of Canada
Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
Communist, hardline Stalinist, regards the CPC as bourgeois reactionary revisionists.
Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)
Communist, hardline Maoist, regards the CPC(ML) as revisionist bourgeois state-capitalist.