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Electricity use PC v TV

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dustypuss | 12:32 Sun 17th Feb 2008 | Computers
3 Answers
How much electricity dose my PC use compared to a normal TV


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Power consumption compared

Average plasma: 350 watts
Average rear-projection: 211 watts
Average LCD: 222 watts

Other A/V gear:
PlayStation 3: 197 watts
Xbox360: 187 watts
Average PC: 78 watts
DirecTV HR20 DVR: 33 watts
Wii: 19 watts
Slingbox: 9 watts
Wireless router: 7 watts

D T H ?
Question Author
thank you that should stop the argument . wife sayes PC must take lodes of power and I spend far to long on it.

trouble is .... once you give her the figures she's likely to kick you down to the shed .... and take over the PC herself ... what with BBCi and 4 on demand ... she will be able to do most of her viewing on "your" pc.

probably better to loose the argument

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Electricity use PC v TV

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