H tiggerblue honey , glad you managed to get through your first day back , well done you. Sorry I missed knowing you were starting back today as I have been unwell , pleased I have spoken to you today love. :-) xxxxx
Hi Louisa pops , Porsche is fine thankyou , she is completely healed and the area nearly covered with coat growth . Should I add that she is asleep at the moment ....lol... Bless her , she went to the park today with her aqua-toy but the lake in the dog area was frozen over so she couldn't have her swim .
I've just got in - and dashed here to find out how your day at work went, Tigger ! Glad to hear it was good ! Phew.... we can all breathe a sigh of relief now hehe.
tiggerblue glad to here your 1st day went ok, bullying of any type is outrageous but saddly its rife in todays society. My lovely 12 year old grand daughter has had a taste of it at school and it was heart breaking.
bigmamma sorry to hear you haven't been well hope you feel better now.
Yes it went fine today, thank you all. I still have to face the senior battleaxe, I mean boss, when she comes back off leave, but I found out today that my ex boss has been moved to another area and won't be working in the same unit as me. Yippee!!!!!!!!! Pleased to hear that you're feeling better BM hun, and that Porsches coat is growing back, bless her furry paws xxxxxxxxxx :)))))