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trivia no 1

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mccfluff | 23:43 Tue 19th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
what did you have for dinner
are you happy
have you poo'd today
are you interested in anyone else's answers
do you give a crap?


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chicken tika masala

of course



see third answer

Some bizarre blue cheese tomato and onion toasted sandwich invention
Not particularly
I would be if I wasn't logging off
Yes, too much sometimes
Chips and potatoe pie (I know!)
Depends on who they are
Already answered that- see answer 3.
1 Roast chicken
3 3 poos today result, i must weigh less now
4 very
5 well seeing as I have done 3 today, if anybody wants one, fetch your wheelbarrow round and take it away

Hello fluffy xx
Question Author
lol boo
Question Author
hey ray loveley to see you x
chicken doopiaza
yes i am! :-)
yes apat from the one above really
yes i always give a crap about crap
Question Author
UJ - you havent?

btw say hi to wp for me
mcfluff, you know who wp is then?
Hi all

1. Chicken Kiev, jacket spud & peas
2. Yep
3. Er, can't remember
4. Yep
5. Yes, but only about sigificant things & people
Question Author
yep, well i think i do, ijust remember last summer, when the flowers were
in bloom
bit cryptic for me ther mcfluff! lol not sure what you mean.
Question Author
how bout soneone used ~

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