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Scouts | 15:42 Tue 19th Feb 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
I think the Answerbank is an excellent site and help for the odd question on a quiz which has been driving you mad stops having to resort to therapy !
It is just whenever I Google to try and find a site to help e.g lists of plants,old TV programmes I find somewhere where "Kingfisher "has listed nearly all the questions .Why bother doing the quiz it just seems to be writting down with style.Maybe you could just get a puzzle book with the answers and copy those in.
As previously mentioned no one is forced to go to answer sites,I just can't understand why anyone would buy a quiz and not try and answer it.As far as I know you don't get the results published so no one would know if you made a pigs ear of it!
Does anyone else have any thoughts?


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I'm afraid this problem will run and run.

Answers are being posted a long time before the quiz is due to end and also stacks of questions are being asked by a single poster.

When the answers are given by helpful people they do not realise that they are potentially spoiling what are quite good quizzes.

People will stop entering competitions if they know that lazy people can get all the answers easily and for free.

If you can't be bothered to do the quiz properly and fairly - don't bother.

If you are genuinely stuck on (on one or two! - not scores of) questionsI am sure there are people who will give you CLUES not answers.

There are tons of postings on a similar vein to this one
And if you mean kingfisher 11 on digital forum then surely thats the point there will always be sites other than AB where people will ask
I was genuinely searching for answers to the rock quiz and found their posting asking for loads and just looked now and they are asking Iain Rennie, adverts etc etc so not sure that this can ever be stopped so can you blame others for doing the same
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Thanks for your replies,I wasn't criticising but as you found on other sites Kingfisher 11 just lists the questions.Any answer site is the same Answerbank just happens to be the one I use .In my defence ,mostly to find quizzes.The "Missing Links " quiz was found by someone asking for a hint and it was a very enjoyable quiz.I was just trying to understand the satisfaction obtained from sending the entrance fee, with a stamped addressed envelope ,going to the post box and then just coping answers.It is the searching and thinking that's the fun.
Not so much "having a go at someone" more musing as I begin to look through more endless lists of plants ! I think you can find a plant name for almost anything. DeleteReplyForwardSpamMove...
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No idea what the delete,reply,forward is at the bottom !
At least on here we all know its a quiz on digital forum people tend to think they are just being asked puzzle questions and not ones for charity quizzes

You will never stop people asking thats what this site is for but I do think the people who answer should look what quiz they are being asked for, how many are asked and the most important to me, but we all have our own views, the closing date.
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I see your point about the closing date on one of the quizzes I'm sure there was easily a month left.Your brain mulling over the question subconsciously could come up with the answer.
I agree about asking too early. Someone regularly asks for answers to Lovatt's Colossus Crosswords way ahead of the closing date including Puzzle Collection due in 10th April. The books not been out a week.
I'm a regular on the letter page and have written to ask other puzzlers for their opinions of AB yahoo etc.
I'm sure someone will be asking for all the hard GFQ questions soon. That's been out a week!
Can the AB Moderator not put a block on the well known monthlies?
Also the perpertrators are anonymous so we don't even know who they are, hiding behind their user names.

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